TURCI - OSMANLIJE - Vladari Bosne NEKAD...

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The Osmanli Dynasty, also the House of Osman, ruled the Ottoman Empire from 1281 to 1923, beginning with Osman I (not counting his father, Ertugrul), though the dynasty was not proclaimed until 1383 when Murad I declared himself sultan. Before that the tribe/dynasty might have been known as Sögüt but was renamed Osmanli in honour of Osman.

The sultan was the sole regent and government of the empire, at least officially. The sultan enjoyed many titles such as Sovereign of the House of Osman, Sultan of Sultans, Khan of Khans, following the conquest of Constantinople by Mehmet II and his coronation as the Roman Emperor, Kayser-i Rum (Roman Ceasar),and, from 1517 till 1924, the head of the House of Osman was also Commander of the Faithful and Successor of the Prophet of the Lord of the Universe, i.e. Caliph, and the Ottoman Empire was synonymous with the Caliphate, the Islamic State.

Note that the first rulers never called themselves sultans, but rather beys. Bey is the Turkish word for "chieftain," traditionally applied to the leaders of small tribal groups In historical accounts, many Turkish and Persian leaders are titled bey, beg or beigh. They are all the same word with the simple meaning of "leader." The regions or provinces where beys ruled were called beylik, roughly meaning "emirate" or "principality".

The first three rulers of the Ottoman Empire were titled bey and not sultan. Murad I was granted the right to the designation "sultan" by the shadow caliph in Cairo in 1383. Henceforth "bey" was applied to the governor of an Ottoman vilayet or province. With the loose Ottoman structure, important provinces tended to become self-sustaining and autonomous. In the following century the chiefs of Bursa and of Edirne both were designated "Bey." Later, the sovereign title in Tunis was "Bey".

By the late 19th century "Bey" had been reduced to an honorary equivalent of the English-speaking address (not the British courtesy title) "Sir" in Ottoman Turkey, parallel to the contemporary Cockney usage "guv'nor." In modern Turkey and Azerbaijan, bey has the simple meaning of "Mister".

Under the Ottoman Empire this title was used also in Albania (Albanian language: bej, be, or beu), in two forms. In the Gheg north it was a title given by Ottomans specifically to the officials of the empire. In the Tosk south it was used in a similar fashion, however, the main use of the name came to be Bey of the Village. The "beys" that ran the Tosk villages formed a wealthy but largely illiterate elite, exploiting the peasants who were bound to the land in a status comparable to serfdom. This state of affairs continued in the Tosk districts even after Albanian independence 1912. King Zog took power and forbade the "Beys" to mistreat the peasants. This term is not used anymore in Albania except when referring to historical figures, events or for humorous purposes (meaning to joke about someone who does not possess a clear thinking ability).

The variation Beg, or Baig is still used as a family name in South and Central Asia as well the Balkans. In Slavic-influenced names, it can be seen in conjunction with the Slavic -(ov)ić suffix meaning "son of", such as in Izetbegović.

In modern Turkish, the word "bey" simply means "mister" and used in the meaning of "chieftain" only in historical context. As with most Turkish titles, it supersedes the name rather than precede, e.g. "Ahmet Bey" for "Mister Ahmet".

List of the Turkish Sultans ruling Bosnia
Abd-ul-Hamid II  1876-1909
Murad V              1876
Abd-ul-Aziz        1861-1876
Abd-ul-Mejid I  1839-1861
Mahmud II          1808-1839
Mustafa IV         1807-1808
Selim III             1789-1807
Abd-ul-Hamid I   1774-1789
Mustafa III         1757-1774
Osman III           1754-1757
Mahmud I           1730-1754
Ahmed III           1703-1730
Mustafa II          1695-1703  
Ahmed II            1691-1695
Suleiman II         1687-1691
Mehmed IV         1648-1687
Ibrahim I            1640-1648
Murad IV            1623-1640
Mustafa I           1622-1623 Isti sultan, dva puta vladao.
Osman II            1618-1622
Mustafa I           1617-1618 Isti sultan, dva puta vladao.
Ahmed I             1603-1617
Mehmed III        1595-1603
Murad III            1574-1595
Selim II              1566-1574
Suleiman I 1520-1566 Veličanstveni.     The Magnificent
Selim I  1512-1520 
Beyazid II 1481-1512)
Mehmed II  1451-1481      Osvajač.               The Conqueror.          El Fatih.

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